Friday 19 September 2008

New Home For Jess

Heartbreaking as it is, I have found a new home for Jess my beautiful cat.
It is perfect, a lovely family who all adore cats. A garden with a fish pond! Her new mom used to even breed chinchilla cats! So I have 2 weeks left with my baby.
The move is going to schedule ...I think. We just have a whole house to pack up!
Got the plane tickets in the post today, it still doesn't seem real. Although now i've found my baby the perfect new home I think i'm starting to get excited.


Monday 1 September 2008

Thought i'd set up something so we can tell you all about our trip.
We have just over a month to go and are getting organised for our big move down under.
Both very excited but equally as scared.
Karen x