Wednesday 19 November 2008


We have collected Vicky Bennett from KL and flown to Sandakan. We spent 2 great days at Sepilok and visited the Orang Utans at the rehab centre...we got trapped on a boardwalk between 2 warring groups of macaques (a near death experience). We have had some leeches...the best one latched onto Vicky on her body and went unnoticed for at least an hour and was huge by the time she spotted it. There was some screaming...mostly by me and Karen! From Sepilok, V had arranged for us to go to Labuk bay where there is a little known Proboscis monkey sanctury. These monkeys are only found in Borneo and we were very lucky to be the only tourists there (it was expensive but worth every penny). We saw loads of Proboscis monkeys, Silverred Leaf Monkeys and pied Hornbills. On a night walk with our guide, we saw a tree full of fire flies, a Tangulung (malay civet) and Leopard cat. Seriously cool.

1 comment:

Wyn and John Farrell said...

You know, that monkey reminds me of someone!
Can't think who!! What a wonderful adventure you are having. Shades of "The African Queen"