Friday 31 October 2008

I forgot to mention that for some reason, many Cambodian men seem to lovingly cultivate the tufts of hair which poke from moles on their face! It was quite exceptional in some cases and I could not help myself from talking to moles which had numerous hairs about 4 to 5 inches in length!

Thursday 30 October 2008

The 'Tomb Raider' Tree...has to be seen to be believed.
This dude was one of the 'caretakers' at Ta Prohm. I did try and snap some other Cambodian dudes having some lunch, but they chucked a bit of a mental and I ran away!

I don't know why I posted the picture of the horse! that was ages ago in Vietnam. I have not managed to fill Ian's shoes very well as official photographer...but thanks for your encouragement Ian. Ian would have had a fit at the temples...particularly Ta Prohm which is falling down and you could wander into most corners and passageways...It was loads less crowded than I thought it would be. Angkor wat was the biggest, but by no means the best.

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Back in Bkk now after mammoth bus journey.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Siem Reap


Have been in Siem Reap for a few days now...the time has been mainly spent avoiding tuk tuk drivers and beggars of various sorts. Hung out at the pool yesterday and just relaxed. We bit the bullet today and hired a tuk tuk to drag us around some temples...apparently to spend just one day exploring the temples is 'sacriledge', but for us, it is quite enough. For me Angkor Wat was my least favourite, but perhaps that had something to do with the really loud groups of Japanese and Korean tourists! The others were seriously cool and very quiet. I did rip my favourite shorts trying to ascend one particular temple which did expose more anatomy than I am normally comfortable with!

K and I have various ailments to report...I have a bad neck, which is amusing for other people trying to attract my attention. K has a cold, which is always a bummer!

I will post some pics when we get back to Bangkok which is our next stop tomorrow. The internet here is as slow as the buses.


Saturday 25 October 2008

We had to say goodbye to Ian back in Saigon. I can no longer copy his ideas for photos...never mind...thanks Ian, Ive learnt quite a bit in the last few weeks!
We are now in Phnom Penh in Cambodia...not the nicest city...really dirty but the people are really nice...most cheap hotels are rat infested shit holes...mostly without windows, but we found an okay place with the brighton boys. Went to the Killing fields and S-21 torture prison today where Pol Pot ordered the murder of over 8000 people (just one of many centres around the country apparently). It was very hard but a real eye was certainly sobering to see all of the skulls. and as we walked around the mass graves, there were still bits of clothing poking out of the soil...also small bones and lots of human teeth just under your feet. The graves were excavated by hand and they have only pulled up the big bits...none of it was really recorded properly or identified...there are still many undisturbed mass graves. Many of the victims were battered to death or their skulls hacked with machetes. the small children were killed by smashing the heads against a tree...all too gruesome...
The prison, where they were tortured first is pretty much exactly how it was and I cannot begin to tell you what it is like...not touristy but incredibly moving...All within my lifetime!not a lot more to to Siem Reap tomorrow to see Angkor Wat...then who knows!
More pictures when I can find a faster connection.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Ian and Karen on the white dune.

K on the beach in Mui Ne (sorry couldn't straighten the editing software...please excuse)

Beard on tour

Pretty little fishes!

K underwater just off Nha Trang.
K and I have now decided that we will venture into Cambodia. We have bought some anti-maliarials for a few bucks and have booked a bus for tomorrow to Pnom Penh. I will try to add some more photos...look out for the 'Beards on Tour'.

Wednesday 22 October 2008


Karen, Ian and I are now in Saigon...There are two things that Vietnam has in spades...that is mopeds and rats...I have never seen so many in my life. Hoi An was really cool...on to Nha Trang which was a big city on a big beach...we went diving and had a good day...some nice coral and a couple of realy cool fish amongst the usual stuff. Went for a mud bath. Chilled out on the beach in Mui Ne, loads of kite surfers...too expensive for a lesson. Mui Ne to Saigon on the bus. Did the Cu Chi tunnels today...bit touristy but an eye opener all the same.
Ian is off home tomorrow which will be weird. K and I were going to skip Cambodia but have little choice but to head for Phnom penh because of the lack of flights and the expense to BKK. We have purchased some anti-malarials and will head off in a few days. Apparently the Cambodians and the Thais have stopped fighting, so hopefully, it is safe enough to cross back into Thailand.
Bizarre sight for the day is a 6ft fridge freezer strapped upright upright to the back of a moped...the best burdened bike yet. Photos will be posted soon...they take so long to upload. Ian has taken some real corkers!
Cheapest pint yet has been 30p...fruit juice is more expensive!
Laters, J

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Market Hoi An

Hanoi to Hue to Hoi An...

Just a quick post to let anyone who is interested (I personally get bored and perhaps just a bit jealous listening to people banging on about their travels) know that we are now in Hoi An having travelled from Hanoi to Hue on the night train and enduring 2 seriously wet days in Hue and then got a really cool 'sleeper' bus (has bunk beds!) to here. I won't bore you with all the details but it is lovely town. Ian (K's brother) and I heaved ourselves out of bed at 5am to take photos and 'experience' the market...have seen a few things that I would rather a man skinning big frogs while they are still alive. Off to Nha Trang tomorrow on the sleeper bus.
We both miss you all.
Jason and Karen. x

Wednesday 8 October 2008


Hello to anyone still reading. Jason here. We are now in Hanoi. We flew in yesterday after one cancelled flight and some seriously needed sleep in BKK. Hanoi is crazy but somehow nicer and less threatening than BKK. Saw what I can only assume was a roasted dog today in the market along with other very bizarre sights. We have a nice hotel...but this luxury will not last. Off on a boat around Halong bay tomorrow.