Saturday 25 October 2008

We had to say goodbye to Ian back in Saigon. I can no longer copy his ideas for photos...never mind...thanks Ian, Ive learnt quite a bit in the last few weeks!
We are now in Phnom Penh in Cambodia...not the nicest city...really dirty but the people are really nice...most cheap hotels are rat infested shit holes...mostly without windows, but we found an okay place with the brighton boys. Went to the Killing fields and S-21 torture prison today where Pol Pot ordered the murder of over 8000 people (just one of many centres around the country apparently). It was very hard but a real eye was certainly sobering to see all of the skulls. and as we walked around the mass graves, there were still bits of clothing poking out of the soil...also small bones and lots of human teeth just under your feet. The graves were excavated by hand and they have only pulled up the big bits...none of it was really recorded properly or identified...there are still many undisturbed mass graves. Many of the victims were battered to death or their skulls hacked with machetes. the small children were killed by smashing the heads against a tree...all too gruesome...
The prison, where they were tortured first is pretty much exactly how it was and I cannot begin to tell you what it is like...not touristy but incredibly moving...All within my lifetime!not a lot more to to Siem Reap tomorrow to see Angkor Wat...then who knows!
More pictures when I can find a faster connection.

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