Tuesday 14 October 2008

Hanoi to Hue to Hoi An...

Just a quick post to let anyone who is interested (I personally get bored and perhaps just a bit jealous listening to people banging on about their travels) know that we are now in Hoi An having travelled from Hanoi to Hue on the night train and enduring 2 seriously wet days in Hue and then got a really cool 'sleeper' bus (has bunk beds!) to here. I won't bore you with all the details but it is lovely town. Ian (K's brother) and I heaved ourselves out of bed at 5am to take photos and 'experience' the market...have seen a few things that I would rather forget...like a man skinning big frogs while they are still alive. Off to Nha Trang tomorrow on the sleeper bus.
We both miss you all.
Jason and Karen. x

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