Wednesday 26 November 2008


Sorry...couldn't rotate'll have to rotate your heads instead.


Frank said...

We have been following your progress every day with tremendous apathy here in Hadlow. I showed the picture of the shark to my wife(Eve)and instead of tilting her head to view it from the correct angle, as directed by you, she said, "Oh! Now, get off the computer and unload the bloody dishwasher!" Which is nice, you'll agree. Take care!

Dosh said...

Unlike Francis, I am following your progress with genuine interest, not apathy.

A really slick, professional site...incredible photos. I am sure Francis will warm to it eventually. We must be patient.

All the best x

Frank said...

It's not my fault if the doshmeister doesn't understand irony! And he's an English teacher. What night are you coming to the show, Hem?