Tuesday 16 December 2008


Forgot to say on the last post, that we took the Perama boat from Bali to the Gilis and it is usually quite a bore. After 2 or so hours a shout went up from the crew..."dolphin! dolphin!' K was asleep but I rudely shook her awake. There was a pod of 30 or more dolphins passing the boat in the opposite direction, but about 5 broke away from the main group and turned for the boat, leaping out of the water as they came over. For about 3 or so minutes, 2 beautiful dolphins played in the bow wave just below us...unfortunately, our cameras were packed away. Really lovely moment. Awesome.


Frank said...

Hi Karen and Jason, Francis here. Just to say that the dishwasher situation as improved markedly since my last post. The emptying of this appliance (a cause of stress in many otherwise happy relationships) is now undertaken by my wife (Eve) and myself (er, myself) on alternative days of the month; she does evens and I do odds.
Good stuffage!
PS The Doshmeister is quite well.

Karen and Jason said...

I love your comments Francis...keep them up. I am very glad that the dishwasher situation has been resolved. It could well have turned very ugly.

Frank said...

Hi K & J,
Thanks for your concern re the dishwasher saga. In other news (as they say on the TV), my wife(Eve) is now in remission, which is obviously great just before Christmas. We celebrated by buying some more dishwasher powder........Ok I admit, great photos, and great blog, but facebook still smell!

Karen and Jason said...

Francis...what is your preferred brand? We used sainsbury's own 3 in 1 lemon scented tablets. Although I believe Finish to be the superior brand. How is Mr Piecheck?..I am sure he could advise you further on dishwasher powder.