Thursday 11 December 2008

Jakarta...'the big durian"

Arrived in Jakarta after many delays in Kuching...eventually arrived at 2 in the a cab to the centre and headed for a place recommended in the Lonely planet...neither of us have ever seen such a shit hole...eventually found a place a bit cleaner for a sum...decided to get out of Java quick...bought a flight to Denpasar this morning, fly this afternoon. We are a bit down at the moment...a mixture of bad hotel, no sleep and rattling through far too much money...Hoping the Gilis can cheer us up. I forgot how much hassle you get in Indonesia! Borneo was no hassle.

Since we started travelling, we started several lists in K's diary. They include appointed responsibilities to those travelling in our group (Ian was in charge of losing things!...A role that I have now absorbed!) I shall try to borrow the diary and update you fully on resposibilities. Another very important list is the list of Ailments. These are monitored on a daily basis and the diary kept up to speed. Karen has not yet recieved a bott fly...but I am looking forward to her getting one (look it up on youtube if you don't know what one is) She did get bitten by fire ants which was funny for others to observe! Currently there are few ailments in the party...only myself suffering from a mild cold and sore throat...I shall let you know how it develops.


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